I think I got the Gateway boxes (being burned?) image from WikiCommons from a fair-use search or something but that was years ago (I could reverse search the image but that's not the point of this blog today.)

    I scanned in my designs created with pen & a sheet of computer paper. I haven't yet clicked around on everyone's inspo. websites, but I went off my UI intuition. Notice there are no photogrids & landing pages where you don't know where the website starts or ends, because it was designed specifically for touchscreen devices (and not very well). I like fixed pages where everything is laid out of course I deviate from this with the events page where I mention a newsfeed style layout where you have to scroll through bulletpointed dates, but that's situational to how you would expect an events tab to work. 

    This layout feels formative, for the landing page specifically I wrote that I wanted a large pictture front and center, but I'm debating if I want a video (that does not auto-play, because that's the worst), some kind of interactive menu where instead of clicking on the toolbar you click little assets in a throwback type of way of how kids websites used to be designed (but also offering a toolbar so there's multiple ways to interact.) Or if I want the landing page to incorporate the art carousel/flip-book I talked about in my art page section. This really comes down to the ethos of the site, do I want to the user to be immersed in my catalogue first or to interact with my art foremost? or possibly learn about me before even seeing my art? Currently I like the idea of the interactive throwback art or the catalogue being the landing page.

    Another thing I'm conflicted about right now is whether I want the art to expand into a pop-up (would keep the flow of the website where the site doesn't deviate from itself too much) however this isn't terribly in vogue & a large portion of people use ad-block which restricts popups. So although it's an optimistic ideal designing a "please turn off your ad-block" screen is not the kind of pleading I want to do with the user who then has to compromise their security to use my website. So I'll probably end up creating separate pages for each piece & creating a button that redirects to the catalogue.

Here's the two page scan: