Photos taken in GTA 5 with the RealVR mod installed & are liminal spaces I found while passively urban exploring. I thought this collection displays the curiosity & longing loneliness of embarking on solo Virtual Reality ventures in video games. To get these photos I used a few game tweaks from ScriptHook trainer (a menu system that allows you to gamerules without coding) to set a uniformity between the images, but also to break how the game was meant to be played. 

I mainly tweaked the characters ability to jump/run higher with SuperJump/SuperRun options turned on to parkour across rooftops, but also UI turned off so that there is no map, no indicator of health/stamina, no weapon select, no button prompts, only a realistic depiction of how we traverse life. The reason all of these images look like they were took relatively at the same point in time is because I took them in the AM in real life & tied the in-game time to my computers clock. To capture these moments in game I used the onboard screenshot function on the Oculus toolbar, inwhich you have to hold your head steady to get the angle you want.